


Kongjian Yu




  2012年当选美国景观设计师协会会士(ASLA Fellow); 2016年当选美国艺术与科学院院士;分别被意大利罗马大学、挪威生物科学大学授予名誉博士,表彰其“美高梅在可持续景观设计和创造人与自然和谐的环境方面所做出的突破性贡献;” 2020年获世界风景园林联合会授予的最高荣誉——IFLA杰弗里杰里科爵奖,表彰其“为改善社会和人居环境、提高人类福祉作出了杰出而意义深远的贡献,并有力推动了美高梅官网平台和行业的发展;” 2021年获世界生态哲学领域和生态文明领域的最高奖“柯布共同福祉奖”(John Cobb Common Good Award) [12-13];2023年获Cooper Hewitt美国国家设计奖; ”同年,俞孔坚从全球300多位被提名者中脱颖而出,获得世界景观设计和风景园林设计界的最高奖、两年一位的奥伯兰德奖( Oberlander Prize),表彰其 “非凡才华、创造力和勇气,富有远见并完成大量城乡环境建成作品”。 分别被中央组织部、中央宣传部、中央统战部联合授予“留学回国人员成就奖 [14]”,被国务院侨办授予“首届华侨华人专业人士杰出创业奖 [15]”。


俞孔坚1997年回国,先后主持创办了美高梅景观设计学研究院和美高梅。2018年他创办了土人设计 [4](Turenscape)。他把国土空间规划和设计作为“生存的艺术”,提出生态安全格局、生态优先的国土空间逆向规划途径和海绵城市及海绵城市建设的理论与方法,并美高梅在全国200多个城市进行了大量的实践;联合主持了“美丽中国与生态文明建设顶层设计问题研究”、城镇污水高效低碳资源化利用技术等课题。出版专著20余部,论文300余篇。其“构建国家生态安全格局”等建议被国务院采纳并写入党的“十八大”报告等国家文件中,成果支撑了国务院的《美高梅官网平台创新》等4项重要法规的制定,理论方法被广泛应用于全国生态安全格局规划及北京、广州、深圳等大量的国土空间和城乡规划中。他提出城乡建设需要一场“大脚革命 [3]”,通过建立生态基础设施来综合解决生态环境问题,系统构建了“海绵城市 [5] [50]”理论与方法,探索用生态学原理和景观设计学的方法进行城市防洪和雨洪管理,建设水韧性城市、进行生态水净化和工业废弃地的生态修复;他从中国传统农耕智慧中获得灵感,科学设计并检验了一系列基于自然的生态修复工程技术模式,并应用于国内外1000多个生态修复工程之中。大量建成项目以生态性和艺术性的结合享誉国际,曾14度获美国景观设计师协会专业奖,7次世界建筑节WAF全球最佳景观奖,5次获得AZ奖,3次获国际建筑奖 ,2次获美国建筑奖,并获国际城市土地学会ULI全球杰出奖、中国第十届中国美展金奖和多项部级设计金奖等国内外重要奖项100余项,有20多个作品被收入欧美国大学专业教材。俞孔坚60余次被国际景观设计师联盟,美国景观设计师协会等国际大型会议邀请作为大会的主旨演讲人。曾任Aga Kahn世界建筑奖、Holcim 建筑奖评委 [6],世界建筑节奖终审委员会委员 [11]。国际知名专家及主流媒体的对其作品的独立评论达1000多篇次,包括美国《美高梅》《美高梅官网平台创新》《美高梅在》《美高梅》《美高梅在》《美高梅》《美高梅》《美高梅》以及10多个国家、10多种语言的专业期刊包括《美高梅》《美高梅》《美高梅》《美高梅》《美高梅》《美高梅官网平台创新》《美高梅官网平台》《美高梅官网平台》《美高梅》 《美高梅》《美高梅官网平台创新》《美高梅官网平台创新》等等。

   俞孔坚现任中国城市科学研究会副理事长 [7],并任景观学与美丽中国专业委员会主任,水协海绵城市技术委员会副主任 [8]、住建部科学技术委员会人居环境专业委员会副主任委员、水利部、自然资源部的科学技术咨询委员会委员等。


Founding Dean and professor, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Peking University

Founder and Principal Designer, Turenscape

A recipient of Doctor of Design at Harvard (1995), Yu is Professor and founding dean of Peking University College of Architecture and Landscape, founder and design principle of Turenscape that practices globally. He is a Fellow of American Society of Landscape Architects.  Several of Yu’s core ideas, including the concept of “negative” or inverse planning—which first identifies what should be protected rather than what should be developed—have gained wide currency. His thinking about “ecological security patterns” helped shape environmental protection efforts throughout China. And his promotion of the “sponge city” concept, which uses natural techniques to capture, filter and store rainfall for future use and reduce flood risks, helped to spur the Chinese government to launch an ambitious sponge city campaign across the country and has gain global attention. To test and demonstrate his ambitious concept, Yu and his team have designed and built over 100 projects in over 250 cities in China and abroad. Yu’s guiding design principles are the appreciation of the ordinary and a deep embrace of nature—even of its potentially destructive aspects, such as flooding. His projects have won numerous international design awards including 14 ASLA Excellence and Honor Awards,8 WAF Best Landscape Architecture of the Year Award, 5 AZ Awards.

Yu is the author of over 20 books and more than 300 papers and is the founder and chief editor of the internationally awarded magazine Landscape Architecture Frontiers. He has been an invited lecturer, speaker and guest professor around the world, including teaching for over five years at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and has been a keynote speaker at more than 60 conferences worldwide; Yu has also been a tireless advocate for change at the policy level. His numerous letters to top Chinese leaders and over 600 lectures to mayors, ministers and all ranks of Chinese officials have helped shift the focus of Chinese national-level policies from economic development-centered urbanism toward ecologically prudent urbanism.

His work and thinking have been featured on numerous television programs on China Central Television, and he has been a leading member of several national expert committees, including vice president of the Society of Urban Studies, chairman of the Beautiful China and Landscape Architecture Committee, deputy director of the National Sponge City Expert Committee and deputy director of the National Human Settlement Committee at the Chinese Ministry of Housing and Urban and Rural Development. He has written and edited several textbooks authorized by the Chinese central government and ministries to train Chinese officials.

2016, Yu was elected International Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Science in 2016, for his being considered as “Yu truly stands alone as a landscape architect in Asia when one regards the impact of his publications and built works. In addition to his educational efforts, he has garnered the field's top-level awards and recognition worldwide. His projects in over 200 cities have been lauded as much for their beauty as for their commitment to social justice and environmental stewardship.”

2017Yu received the Honoris Causa Doctorate in Landscape and Environment from Sapienza University, “an acknowledgement for the enormous contributions he has made to the field through his reframing of Landscape as an ecological, interconnected, productive and creative infrastructure……Professor Yu offers a new concept of landscape based in incorporating the rural, the messy, the functional aspects of land into the urban realm. He affirms that in our resource-depleted and ecologically damaged and threatened era, the built environment must and will adapt a new aesthetic grounded in the appreciation of the beauty of productive, ecologically-supporting, survival-enhancing things."

2019Yu received The honorary doctorate degree of Norwegian University of Life Sciences based on “[his] groundbreaking research on sustainable landscape architecture, and long-term and essential contributing to a harmonious landscape development.”

2020, Yu received the IFLA’s highest honor, the Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award in 2020, which celebrates a living landscape architect whose “achievements and contributions have had a unique and lasting impact on the welfare of society.”

2021, Yu received the John Cobb Common Good Award, one of the highest honors in the field of Ecological Philosophy offered throughout the world, recognizing Yu's works as “ indeed an art of survival. In the spirit of constructive postmodernism, Yu combines traditional knowledge with a forward-looking attitude, helping to design a more promising future for humanity and the Earth.”

2023, Yu was selected from more than 300 nominations worldwide to win the biennial Cornelia Hahn Oberlander International Landscape Architecture Prize that is bestowed on a recipient who is “exceptionally talented, creative, courageous, and visionary.” The Oberlander Prize Jury Citation noted of Yu, he is a “brilliant and prolific designer … [who] is also a force for progressive change in landscape architecture around the world.”  And in the same year, Yu received the Cooper Hewitt National Design Award.

Education and Academic Appointments

2021- Dean and Changjiang Chair Professor of Design, College of Architecture and Landscape, Peking University.

2010-2017 Dean and Professor of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture, College of Architecture and Landscape, Peking University.

2010-2014 Visiting Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Design.

2003- Dean and Professor of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture, Graduate School of Landscape Architecture, Peking University.

1997-2003 Professor of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences. Director, Center for Landscape Architecture and Planning, Peking University.

1992-95 DDes (Doctor of Design), Graduate School of Design, Harvard University. Dissertation: Security patterns and surface model in landscape planning. Dissertation chair: Carl Steinitz, with Richard Forman and Steven Ervin as members.

1987-1992 Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Gardening, Beijing Forestry University.

1984-1987 MLA (Master in Landscape Architecture), Landscape Architecture Department, Beijing Forestry University. Thesis: The Quantitative Models for Landscape Assessment.

1980-1984 BLA (Bachelor of Agronomy in Landscape Architecture), Landscape Architecture Department, Beijing Forestry University.

Honors and Awards

Major Honors and Prizes

l 2023, Cornelia Hahn Oberlander International Landscape Architecture Prize

l 2023, Cooper Hewitt National Design Award in Landscape Architecture

l 2021 John Cobb Common Good Award

l 2020 IFLA Sir Geffrey Jellico Award Winner

l 2019, Honorary Doctor in Landscape Architecture, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway,

l 2017, Doctor Honoris Causa in Landscape and Environment, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

l 2016, International Honorary Member, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, US

l 2012, Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects, US

l 2013, Professor of Changjiang Scholars Program, Chinese Ministry of Education

l 2005, Overseas Chinese Achievement Award, the Municipal Government of Beijing, China

l 2004, Overseas Chinese Professional Excellence Top Award, the Chinese Central Government

l 2003, Oversea Chinese Pioneer Achievement Medal, Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology

l 1992, Mao Yishen Youth Science and Technology Award, Beijing Science and Technology Association, China

l 1991, National Outstanding Young University Teacher Award, Fok Ying Dong Education Foundation, Hong Kong

Notable Professional Projects Awards

l 2023 Landscape of the Year of 2023 World Architecture Festival Awards ,Benjakitti Forest Park

l 2023 UIA Friendly and Inclusive Spaces Awards, Benjakitti Forest Park

l 2022 AZ Awards, Best Landscape Architecture, Nanchang Fish Tail Park

l 2022 Energy Globe National Award, Handan Wastewater Cleansing Terraces

l 2022 Architecture Master Prize Best of Best, Chongqing Tongnan Dafo Temple Wetland Park

l 2022 Architecture Master Prize Best of Best, Handan Garden Expo

l 2022 Architecture Master Prize Design of the Year Nanchang Fish Tail Park

l 2022 Fortune Best Designs, Nanchang Fish Tail Park

l 2021 WAF Landscape - Urban Context Winner, Revitalizing Kazan’s Prime Waterfront, Russia

l 2021 WAF Landscape - Nature Context Winner Sanya Mangrove Park:

l 2021 AZ Landscape Awards Welcoming the Water: Tongnan Dafosi Wetland Park:

l 2021 CITY’SCAPE Iconic Landscape Awards, Meishe River Greenway and Fengxiang Park & Suqian Santaishan Flower Quilt:

l 2021 Holcim AwardsAsian Pacific, Green-Blue NetworkLiyumen Waterway Park

l 2021 AZ Awards, Best Landscape Architecture, Tongan Wetland Park

l 2020 ASLA Honor Award, General Design, Sanya Mangrove Park.

l 2019 AZ Awards, Best Landscape Architecture, Form Follows Processes: Sanya Mangrove Park, AZURE, Canada.

l 2019 APA International Planning Excellence Award, Grand Award for Urban Design/Kevin Lynch Award, Revitalizing Kazan’s Prime Waterfront, American Planning Association.

l 2019 APA International Planning Excellence Award, Grand Award for Environmental Planning/Ian McHarg Award, Building a Greenway: Puyangjiang River Corridor, American Planning Association.

l 2017 Landscape of the Year, Chengtoushan Archaeological Park, World Architecture Festival Awards, Berlin.

l 2017 AZ Awards, winner of Landscape Architecture, Quzhou Luming Park, AZURE Magazine.

l 2016 AZ Awards, Best Landscape Architecture, Harbin Cultural Center Wetland Park, AZURE Magazine.

l 2016 ASLA Honor Award, General Design, Quzhou Luming Park.

l 2015 World’s Best Landscape of the year Award, Jinhua Yanweizhou Park, World Architecture Festival.

l 2015 National Energy Globe Award, Liupanhsui Minghu Wetland, International Energy Globe Award.

l 2015, the Humanitarian Water and Food Award, Copenhagen, Denmark.

l 2014 ASLA Honor Award, General Design, Slow Down: Liupanhsui Minghu Wetland Park.

l 2013 ASLA Honor Award, General Design, The Mother River Recovered: Qian'an Sanlihe Green Way.

l 2012 ASLA Award of Excellence, General Design Harbin Qunli Stormwater Park.

l 2011 World’s Best Landscape of the Year Award, Qian’an Sanlihe Greenway, World Architecture Festival Barcelona.

l 2011 Design Education Award, Beijing International Design Week, China.

l 2010, World’s Best Landscape of the Year Award, The Shanghai Houtan Park, World Architecture Festival, Barcelona.

l 2010 ASLA Honor Award, General Design, Tianjin Qiaoyuan Park.

l 2010 ASLA Honor Award, General Design, Qinhuangdao Beach Restoration.

l 2010 ASLA Award of Excellence, General Design, Shnaghai Houtan Park.

l 2009, World's Best Landscape of the Year Award, Qiaoyuan Park, World Architecture Festival.

l 2009, ULI Global Award for Excellence, Zhongshan Shipyard Park, The Urban Land Institute.

l 2007 ASLA Design Honor Award, Red Ribbon—Tanghe River Park.

l 2006, ASLA Honor Award, Floating Gardens: Yongning River Park.

l 2005, ASLA Honor Award, Design, Shenyang Architectural School Campus.

l 2005, ASLA Honor Award, Ecological Infrastructure-Based Growth Planning for Taizhou City.

l 2004, National Gold Medal of Fine Arts, Cultural Ministry of Chinese Government, China.

l 2002, ASLA Design Honor Award, Zhongshan Shipyard Park.

Research and Notable Publications

Yu’s research comprehensively addresses the theory, methods and techniques of post-industrial landscape architecture. Yu has published over 25 books and 300 journal papers internationally on landscape and urban ecology, urbanism and landscape architecture. He is the founder and chief editor of the award winning magazine Landscape Architecture Frontiers, focusing on sustainability and which has published over 60 issues on sustainability subjects that have been distributed globally.


Yu, K.,2022, The Big Feet Revolution and the New Land of Beach Blossoms, Sanlian Publishing House

Yu, K., 2019, Ideal Landscapes and the Deep Meaning of Feng-Shui: Patterns of Biological and Cultural Genes, ORO, Novato CA, USA

Yu, K., 2019,Urban and Nature, China Architecture & Building Press.

Yu, K., 2016, Sponge City: Theory and Practice. China Architecture & Building Press.

Yu, K., Li,D. Li H., Qiao Q., 2012, China National Ecological Security Patterns. China Architecture & Building Press.

Yu, K., Li, D., Li H. and Zhang l. 2012, The Grand Canal National Heritage and Ecological Corridor, Peking University Press.

Yu, K. Wang, S., Li D., 2011, Regional Ecological Security patterns, The Beijing Case. China Architecture & Building Press.

Yu, K., 2009, Back to the Land, Commercial Press, Beijing, China.

Yu, K., 2006, Art of Survival: Positioning Contemporary Landscape Architecture, China Architecture & Building Press.

Yu, K., D. Li, H. Liu, 2005, Negative Planning. China Architecture & Building Press.

Yu, K. and D. Li, 2003, Landscape Architecture: The Profession and Education. China Architecture & Building Press.

Yu, K. and D. Li, 2003, Road to Urban Landscape: Talk to Mayors. China Architecture & Building Press.

Yu, K., 1998, The Ideal Landscapes—The Meanings of Feng-shui, The Commercial Press, Beijing, China.

Notable Articles

2023, Kongjian Yu. Dong Wangle Modular Approach Creating Low-Maintenance Sponge City: Benjakitti Forest Park in Bangkok, Thailand. Landscape Architecture Frontiers ,11(1): 72-85.

2022 Peng,Xiao; Heng,Xianpei; Li,Qing; Li,Jianxia; Yu,Kongjian*. From Sponge Cities to Sponge Watersheds: Enhancing Flood Resilience in the Sishui River Basin in Zhengzhou, China[J]. Water, 2022, 14(19): 3084. http://doi.org/10.3390/w14193084

2022 Kongjian Yu. Sanya Dong’an Wetland Park,Hainan,China. In Landscape Architecture for Sea Level Rise—Innovative Global Solutions, edited by Galen D. Newman and Zixu Qiao. Routledge. NY. 2022. pp 177-183.

2022 Kongjian Yu. Qunli Stormwater Park,Harbin,China. In Why Cities Need Large Parks—Large Parks in Large Cities, edited by Richard Murray. Routledge. NY. 2022. pp 436-445.

2022 Kongjian Yu. Species-Town Life: Urban Imaginaries in the Post-Pandemic Era. In 50 Species-Towns(), edited by Charles Waldheim etc. The Harvard Graduate School of Design’s Office for Urbanization. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 2022. pp vii-viii

2021 Kongjian Yu, Moon-floating Templein China: The New Creative Power in Architecture, edited by Chris van Uffelen, Braun, Pp328-333.

2021 Kongjian Yu, Creating and restoring urban ecologies: Case studies in China, in Ecologies design—Transforming Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism, edited by Maibritt Pedersen Zari, Peter Connolly and Mark Southcombe, Routledge, Pp49-61

2021 Kongjian Yu, Qunli Stormwater Park, in The Ideal City: Exploring Urban Futures, Space 10 Gestalten, Pp182-185

2021, Yu,K. Sponge City: Planning and Design and Political Design, In: Design Studio Sofie Pelsmakers and Nick Newman, Architecture and The Climate Emergency. Everything Needs to Change, RIBA, 47-55.

2020, Kongjian Yu Wins 2020 Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award; Read His Full Speech. DIRT, American Society of Landscape Architects, The Dirt Contributor, 10/08/202010/12/2020

2020, Kongjian Yu and the redefinition of china’s cultural landscape, Interview with: Margarita Jover Biboum, Rubén Garcia Rubio, Carlos Ávila Calzada. In:ZARCH, Journal of interdisciplinary studies in Architecture and Urbanism ,No. 15 | 2020,

2020 Yu, K., Beautiful China and the Mission of Landscape Architecture, in Beautiful China: Reflections on Landscape Architecture in Contemporary China edited by Richard J. Weller & Tatum L. Hands, ORO Editions, 2020, Pp22-29

2020, Yu, K., Turning Grey into Green—Meishe River Greenway, Urban Solutions, 2020 July Issue 17, P68-73

2017, Yu, K., Green Infrastructure through the Revival of Ancient Wisdom, American Academy of Arts and Sciences Bulletin, Summer 2017, Vol. LXX, No.4:35-39.

2016, Yu, K., Creating deep forms in urban nature: the peasant’s approach to urban design, in Frederick R. Steiner, George F. Thompson and Armando Carbonell (eds.), Nature and Cities—The Ecological Imperative in Urban Design and Planning, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, pp95-117

2016, Yu, K., Think like a king, act like a peasant: the power of a landscape architect and some personal experience, in Christophe Girot and Dora Imhof (eds.), Thinking the contemporary landscape, Princeton Architectural Press, pp164-184

2015, Yu, K., Li Dihua, Yuan Hong, Fu Wei, Qiao Qing, Wang Sisi, “Sponge city”: theory and practice, City Planning Review, 39(6): 26-36.

2014, Yu, K., Complete Water, in: Anuradha Mathur and Dilip Da Cunha (eds.), Design in the Terrain of Water. Applied Research + Design Publishing with the University of Pennsylvania, School of Design, pp.57-65.

2013, Yu, K., Integration Across Scales: Landscape as Infrastructure for the Protection of Biodiversity in: John Beardsley (Editor), Designing Wildlife Habitats, 241–71, Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees for Harvard University, Washington, D.C.

2012, Yu, K., The Big Feet Aesthetics and The art of Survival. Architectural Design, Nov/Dec. No.220:72-77.

2011, Yu, K., Sisi Wang & Dihua Li: The negative approach to urban growth planning of Beijing, China, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 54:9, 1209-1236.

2011, Yu, K., Ecological infrastructure leads the way: the negative approach and landscape urbanism for smart preservation and smart growth, in Matthias Richter and Ulrike Weiland (eds.), Applied Urban Ecology: A Global Framework, pp.152-166.

2011, Yu, K., Landscape as a living system: Shanghai 2010 Expo Houtan Park, in Matthias Richter and Ulrike Weiland (eds.), Applied Urban Ecology: A Global Framework, pp.186-192.

2010, Yu, K., Five Traditions for Landscape Urbanism Thinking, Topos, (71):58-63.

2010, Yu, K., The Big-Foot Revolution, in: Mohsen Mostafavi with Gareth Doherty (eds.), Harvard University Graduate School of Design), Ecological Urbanism, Lars Müller Publishers, pp.282-291.

2010, Yu, K., Qiaoyuan Park: An Ecosystem Services-Oriented Regenerative Design, Topos, 5:26-33.

2010, Yu, K., Landscape as Ecological Infrastructure for an Alternative Urbanity, In: Mohsen Mostafavi (ed.), Implicate & Explicate, Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Lars Müller Publishers, pp.282-283.

2010, Yu, K., The Good Earth Recovered, Return of Landscape, Donata Valentien (ed.), Jovis publishers, Berlin, pp.225-233.

2009, Yu, K., Beautiful Big Feet: Toward a New Landscape Aesthetic, Harvard Design Magazine (Fall/Winter), pp.48-59.

2009, Yu, K., Wang Si-Si, Li Di-Hua, The Function of Ecological Security Patterns as Urban Growth Framework in Beijing, Acta Ecologicica Sinica, Vol.29 (3):1189-1204.

2008, Yu, Kongjian, Li Hailong, Li Dihua, The Negative Approach and Ecological Infrastructure: The Smart Preservation of Natural Systems in the Process of Urbanization, Journal of Natural Resources, Vol.23 (6): 937-958.

2008, Yu, K., Zhang Lei and Dihua Li, Live with Water: Flood Adaptive Landscapes in the Yellow River Basin of China, Journal of Landscape Architecture, 2:6-17.

2007, Yu, K. and Mary G. Padua, China's Cosmetic Cities: Urban fever and superficiality, Landscape Research, Volume 32, Issue 2: 255 – 272.

2006, Yu, K., Dihua Li and Nuyu Li, The evolution of Greenways in China, Landscape and Urban Planning, 76: 223-239.

1996, Yu, K., Security patterns and surface model and in landscape planning. Landscape and Urban Planning. 36(5)1~17.

1995, Yu, K., Security Patterns in Landscape Planning with a Case Study in South China. Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, MA, USA.

1995, Yu, K., Cultural variations in landscape preference: comparisons among Chinese sub-groups and Western design experts, Landscape and Urban Planning, 32(2):107-126.

Notable Keynote Speeches and Lectures

Yu has delivered over 500 lectures at institutes worldwide, including the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the World Bank, APEC, Harvard, Columbia, UC Berkeley and Stanford, and has appeared over 60 times as keynote speaker at numerous international conferences, including six times at the IFLA World Congress, and four times at ASLA annual conference meetings.

2023 Designing Sponge Planet,A Conversation With Kongjian Yu, Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum, New York

2023, Harvard GSD Sylvester Baxter Lecture,ADAPTATION: Political, Cultural and Ecological Design
——My Journey to Heal the Planet. September 14

2023,Sponge City and Sponge Planet:Nature Based Solutions and Their Regenerative Performance. Australian Landscape Conference (ALC) 17-20 March,Melbourne Australia.

2023, Chinese Landscape Cultures: Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, IFLA75, The Landscape[pe Culture: Today and Tomorrow,International Federation of Landscape Architecture, July,27. On line

2023, UNFCCC COP28, Harnessing Digital Infrastructures and Green Solutions to Strengthening Climate Resilience, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Dubai

2023, The Holistic Nature Based Solution: Sponge City and Sponge Planet. UNFCCC COP28, High Level Event on Accelerating Finance for Nature-based Solutions: Unlocking Opportunities for Sustainable Development, The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in collaboration with the French Development Agency (AFD) and The International Development Finance Club (IDFC), Dubai

2023, Audio Summit for progress, Creating Sponge Planet, Oct.25,2023, Madrid, Spain.

2022, Sponge City and Sponge Planet, Park People Conference, Canada, September 23rd.

2022, Healing The World:Sponge City and Sponge Planet, 13 October, New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects conference and awards

2022, “Sponge Cities”: Visionary, Nature-Based Urban Design from China, Bioneers, May 14th

2022, Sponge City, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, 23 September

2022, TEDxBoston Planetary Stewardship, Sponge City and Sponge Planet , On line.

2022, Sponge City and Sponge Planet, World Water-Tech Innovation Summit organized in partnership with the UK Department for International Trade. Feb.23.

2022, Healing the World's Cities: Sponge City and Sponge Planet,January 19. School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape,University of Calgary.

2022, Healing Landscapes In Resilient Built Environment, UIA Year Of Design For Health 2022 Webinar. Octoberoct.3

2021, Healing the world’s cities, Nature-based solutions inspired by ancient wisdom, Science Foundation Ireland, SFI’s Science Summit,Nov.5, 2021, on line.

2021, Healing the world’s cities: Sponge City and Sponge Planet, AIIB Annual Meeting, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Oct.28,2021., on line.

2021,Healing the Community by Healing the Planet Through Nature Based Solutions, IFLA World Congress,August 18,2021.

2021, Healing the world’s cities: Sponge City and Sponge Planet, Reuters IMPACT, on line.

2021, Sponge City: Leveraging Nature As Ecological Infrastructure, Royal Institute of British Architects,19th April,on line.

2021, Sponge City and Nature-based Solutions Inspired by Ancient Wisdom, conference on the water and climate resilient issues of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, 22nd. March

2021,Healing the world’s cities Nature-based solutions inspired by ancient wisdom, IFLA Africa, Oct.15, 2021.

2020, Sponge City: A Nature Based Solution. At: PLANNING AND DESIGNING FOR CLIMATE: A Paradigm Shift, In: CarbonPositive RESET! 1.5ºC Global Teach-In., September 22

2020, Sponge Cities: Leveraging Nature as Ecological Infrastructure, CLC Webinar Series: Cities Adapting to a Disrupted World. World Cities Summit, Singapore. 13th January

2019, Deep Connections and Deep Forms, Faculty of Architecture, National University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico.Nov.20,

2019, , Bring Nature to Cities Deep Forms: Nature Based Solutions, Water National Commission (CONAGUA), Mexico., Nov.21

2019, Advancing Urban Sustainability in China and the United States: A National Academies Workshop in Collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Deep connections and deep forms: designed ecologies for Water remediation, Host by the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine.

2019, ASLA Annual Meeting and Expo. Keynote Speech: Sponge City Action Now! No Time to Waste: Landscape Architecture and the Global Challenge of Climate Change, Keynote Speech at the Closing Session, ASLA Conference and Expo keynote speech, San Diego, US. Nov. 18.

2019, Landscape Architecture as an Holistic Tool---Two Recent projects, Hotspot cities Symposium, University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design.

2016, 53rd IFLA World Congress FLA World Congress Keynote Speech, Invisible Connections and Deep Forms, Tasting the Landscape, Torino, Italy, April 21.

2015, 52nd IFLA World Congress Keynote Speech: Creating Deep Forms in Urban Nature, History of the Future, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. June 11.

2011, 48th IFLA World Congress Keynote Speech: Reinventing the Good Earth, Zurich, Switzerland, June 28.

2009, 46th IFLA World Congress Keynote Speech: Beautiful Big Feet: High Performance Landscapes and the New Aesthetics. “Green Infrastructure: High-performance Landscapes”, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 22.

2008, ASLA Annual Meeting and Expo. Keynote Speech: Ecological Infrastructure: Linking Communities. Philadelphia, USA, October 5.

2006, 43rd IFLA World Congress and ASLA Annual Meeting Keynote Speech: The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture, and Blue Planet and Green Earth. Minneapolis, USA, October 8.

2003, 40th IFLA World Congress Keynote Speech: China on the Edge of Urbanization and Globalization. Landscapes on the Edge, Alberta, Canada. May 26.

2018, Columbia GSAPP – Kenneth Frampton Endowed Lecture: Creating Deep Forms and Designed Ecology, New York City, Oct 29.

2016, The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, A Celebration of the Arts and Humanities Lecture: Art of Survival, October 7.

2016, The Technical University of Munich 60th anniversary of landscape planning and architecture, Guest lecture: Landscape And The Art of Survival, celebration of, Germany, October 20th.

2014, Geodesign Summit keynote speech: The Art of Survival and the Promise of Geodesign, ESRI, Redlands. January 29.

2014, Nature and Cities Symposium Keynote Speech: Creating Deep Forms in Urban Nature: The Peasant’s Approach, the University of Texas at Austin, February 28.

2014, AgIdeas International Design Week, the Big Feet Aesthetic and the Art of Survival, Look Upstairs, Melbourne, Australia, April 4.

2013, World Architectural Festival Keynote Speech: Big Feet Urbanism, Ecological Infrastructure for Eco-city, Singapore, October 3.

2011, The Annual Ian L. McHarg lecture: Design with Water, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, April 1.

2010, The 6th European Biennial Landscape Architecture Conference Guest Lecture: Big Feet Revolution, Barcelona, October 2.

2009, Akademie der Künste, Positions of landscape architects, International Symposium, keynote speech: The Good Earth--Go Productive and Define the New Aesthetics, Berlin, Germany, The German Federal Ministry Of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs. April 22.

2008, Harvard Graduate School of Design, lecture, the Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture, September 30.

Notable Publications about Kongjian Yu (* notable)

Yu’s practices and research have been reviewed and featured in over one hundred of magazine and journal articles and dissertations worldwide in over 10 different languages, including 3 major books and comprehensive full-issue coverage in ASLA Landscape Architecture Magazine in 2012, and were reviewed by international mass media including Scientific American, Time Magazine, National Geography, Discovery Channel and China Central Television. Over 20 projects have been selected as demonstrative cases in major text books such as Landscape Architecture (Stark and Simonds, 2013, MC Graw Hill).and his works and publications were collected in the Dumbarton Oak Museum of Harvard University in the Contemporary Landscape Design collection. The following list only included selected English publications.

Whole Books

2019*, Caterina Padoa Schioppa, Kongjian Yu. Turenscape 1998-2018, ISBN 9788867641727

2012*, William Saunders (Editor), Designed Ecologies: The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu (assemble articles by internationally acclaimed authors from landscape design and urbanism: John Beardsley, Peter Rowe, Kelly Shannon, Peter Walker, et. al.), Publisher BirkhÃuser Architecture. ISBN-13: 978-3034607384

2018*, Terreform (ed.) Letters to the Leaders of China: Kongjian Yu and the Future of the Chinese, with contributions by Michael Sorkin, Peter Rowe, Thomas. J. Campanella, A. Weiwei, Z. Lin, X. Ren, P.G. Rowe, M. Sorkin, D. Sui, J. Sze, Terreform, New York. ISBN 978-0-9960041-8-3


2021, Wong, Tessa. "The man turning cities into giant sponges to embrace floods". BBC News (11 November 2021).

2020*, Kongjian Yu and the redefinition of china’s cultural landscape, Interview with: Margarita Jover Biboum, Rubén García Rubio, Carlos Ávila Calzada. In:ZARCH, Journal of interdisciplinary studies in Architecture and Urbanism ,No. 15 | 2020,

2019*, Allan W. Shearer, “The Paradox of Security,” Places Journal, October 2019. Accessed 18 Dec 2019. http://doi.org/10.22269/191029

2019*, Joe Myers, This man is turning cities into giant sponges to save lives, 28 Aug 2019. http://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/08/sponge-cities-china-flood-protection-nature-wwf/

2018*, Erica Gies, Sponge Cities: Restoring natural water flows in cities can lessen the impacts of floods and droughts, Scientific American, 2018(12):80-85

2018, Betsy Anderson, Found In Translation, Turenscape frames the future in a historic American community, Landscape Architecture Magazine, 2018(11): 106-121

2018*, Micheal SorkinCan China’s cities survive? In: Letters to the leaders of China: Kongjian Yu and the future of the Chinese city, edited by Terreform, UR publication, pp6-15

2018, Daniel Sui, China’s urban design dilemma: Nature or Culture? In: Letters to the leaders of China: Kongjian Yu and the future of the Chinese city, edited by Terreform, UR publication, pp164-173

2018, Peter G. Rowe, Spatial practices in China’s urban residential districts: A time for change, In: Letters to the leaders of China: Kongjian Yu and the future of the Chinese city, edited by Terreform, UR publication, pp206-221

2018, Thomas J. Campanella, the Bucks Stopped Here, In: Letters to the leaders of China: Kongjian Yu and the future of the Chinese city, edited by Terreform, UR publication, pp148-163

2018, Zhongjie Lin, When Green Was the New Black: What went wrong with china’s eco-city movement? In: Letters to the leaders of China: Kongjian Yu and the future of the Chinese city, edited by Terreform, UR publication, pp184-195

2018, Julie Sze, Earth Citizens and Sky Cities: sustainability and scale in urban china, In: Letters to the leaders of China: Kongjian Yu and the future of the Chinese city, edited by Terreform, UR publication, pp174-183

2018, Xuefei Ren, In Search of the Cosmopolitan Chinese city: Guangzhou’s urban villages, In: Letters to the leaders of China: Kongjian Yu and the future of the Chinese city, edited by Terreform, UR publication, pp164-173

2018, Felicia Toh, Creating Sponge Cities, CUBES, 2018(08): 80-87

2016*, Charles Waldhelm, Landscape as Urbanism, "Yu represents a historical singularity and is arguably the most important landscape architect practicing in China today", pp171-175.

2015*, Susan Cohen, The inspired landscape: Twenty-one Leading Landscape Architects Explore the Creative Process. Rice Campus and Red Ribbon Park. Pp238-253.

2015, Meaghan Kombol, 30X30 Landscape Architecture, Kongjian Yu, Turenscape, pp.302-307.

2014*, Xin Wu, On Kongjian Yu’s Art of the Landscape, Jamini, 1(2):71-70.

2014, Mary G. Padua, China: new cultures and changing urban cultures, In: Maggie Roe and Ken Taylor (eds.), New Cultural Landscapes, Routledge, London and New York, 202-222.

2014*, Robert Schafer, the Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu, Topos,09.05, 2014.

2014*, Carla Wheeler, Client Earth— Geodesigning Our World with Nature and Technology, (Reviews on Kongjian Yu’s Keynote Speech on Geodesign Summit),Esri 2014-02-24.

2014, Tania Ramos Gianone, 10 Awesome Riverbank Projects: A look at some of the world’s most outstanding riverbank projects. (2 of the 10 was designed by Kongjian Yu/Turenscape) http://landarchs.com/10-awesome-riverbank-projects/

2014*, Ian Thompson, Ten landscape designers who changed the world, Landscape Architecture: A Very Short introduction (Oxford University Press), May 30th 2014 http://blog.oup.com/2014/05/landscape-designers-vsi/.

2014, Paul McAtomney, Top 10 Names in Planting Design, Feb 5, 2014,http://landarchs.com/top-10-names-in-planting-design/

2013*, ASLA Landscape Architecture Magazine, Big In China: The Marvels of Turenscape, in: Landscape Architecture Magazine (ASLA), seven articles by four noted scholars, in total 58 pages, reviewing Kongjian Yu and Turenscape projects and research.

2013*, William Saunders, The Phenomenal Dr. Yu, in: Landscape Architecture, Feb.2013/vol.103, No.2, The Magazine of The American Society of Landscape Architects. Pp.56-59

2013, James Grayson Truelove, Ribbon Runs through It, A Chinese opera in a Xuzhou park, in: Landscape Architecture, Feb.2013/vol.103, No.2, The Magazine of The American Society of Landscape Architects. Pp.60-69.

2013, Sarah Williams Goldhagen, All Work: Shanghai’s Houtan Park Could be More Eager to Please, in: Landscape Architecture, Feb.2013/vol.103, No.2, The Magazine of The American Society of Landscape Architects. Pp.70-79.

2013*, Mary G. Padua, Bridge to Somewhere Else: How to Forget Tianjin Fast, in: Landscape Architecture, Feb.2013/vol.103, No.2, The Magazine of The American Society of Landscape Architects. Pp.80-87.

2013, James Grayson Trulove, Look! Don’t Touch, At Qunli Stormwater Park, The Draw of Impenetrable, in: Landscape Architecture, Feb.2013/vol.103, No.2, and The Magazine of The American Society of Landscape Architects. Pp.88-97.

2013 Mary G. Padua, Triptych by the Sea, Life Returns to Shore of Qinhuangdao, in: Landscape Architecture, Feb.2013/vol.103, No.2, The Magazine of The American Society of Landscape Architects. Pp.98-107.

2013, James Grayson Trulove, Home Grown, Kongjian Yu’s Apartment Puts 50 Tons of Rainwater to Use. In: Landscape Architecture, Feb.2013/vol.103, No.2, The Magazine of The American Society of Landscape Architects. Pp.108-113.

2013*, Tore Edvard Bergaust and Karsten Jørgensen, Landscape Planning in China: Floods and Water Management. Architecture Norway, 06 Jun, 2013

2013, Li Shuya, Yu Kongjian: Back to Earth, China Pictorial, 781, July 2013: 16-21.

2013*, Jared Green , Kongjian Yu, China’s Olmsted, ASLA Dirt, 2013-01-30.

2013*,Alvin Powell ,Harvard Gazette: With Nature in Mind, (featuring Kongjian Yu and his Shnaghai Houtan Park),April 23, 2013.

2013, Barry W. Starke, John Ormsbee Simonds, 2013, Landscape Architecture: A Manual of Environmental planning and Design, (11 projects by Kongjian Yu/Turenscape were selected for the text book), McGraw-Hill Education, LLC.

2012, Francesc Zamora Mola, The Sourcebook of Contemporary Urban Design, (3 projects by Kongjian Yu/Turenscpe, including Sampling Gardens—The Tianjin Qiaoyuna Park, The Red Ribbon Park The Floating Gardens were included in the book):. LOFT Publications.pp.406-437.

2012*, Xin Wu, Konjian YU—Between Cheesiness and Vernacular Modernity. In: The New Art of Landscape—Conversations between Xin Wu and Contemporary Designers, China Building Industry Press, Beijing. pp.001-031

2012*, Peter Walker, Kongjian Yu’s Challenge, in: William Saunders (Editor), Designed Ecologies: The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu, BirkhÃuser, Basel, p.7.

2012, John Beardsley, Public History, Popular Aesthetics, in: William Saunders (Editor), Designed Ecologies: The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu, BirkhÃuser, Basel, p.10-19.

2012, Antje Stokman, Fiascoes of Chinese Urban Development and Turenscape’s Alternatives, in: William Saunders (Editor), Designed Ecologies: The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu, BirkhÃuser, Basel, p.34-41.

2012*, Frederick R. Steiner, The Activist Educator, in: William Saunders (Editor), Designed Ecologies: The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu, BirkhÃuser, Basel, p.106-115.

2012*, William S. Saunders, The Boy Who Read Books Riding a Water Buffalo, in: William Saunders (Editor), Designed Ecologies: The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu, BirkhÃuser, Basel, p.60-65.

2012, Kristina Hill, Myths and Strategies of Ecological Planning, in: William Saunders (Editor), Designed Ecologies: The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu, BirkhÃuser, Basel, p.144-151.

2012, Peter G. Rowe, China’s Water Resources and Houtan Park, in: William Saunders (Editor), Designed Ecologies: The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu, BirkhÃuser, Basel, p.184-191.

2012*, Kelly Shannon, (R) evolutionary Ecological Infrastructures, in: William Saunders (Editor), Designed Ecologies: The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu, BirkhÃuser, Basel, p.200-211.

2012*, Charles Waldheim, the Persistent Promise of Ecological Planning, in: William Saunders (Editor), Designed Ecologies: The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu, BirkhÃuser, Basel, p.250-253.

2012, Y-Jean Mun-Delsalle and Dr Nirmal Kishnani, Asia's Sustainable Future in China and India - Interview Yu Kongjian, Ashok Lall, FuturArc,2012(26),Green Issue 26(3Q):44-55.

2012, Ethel Baraona, Qunli National Urban Wetland, Nature as Infrastructure——An interview with Kongjian Yu, DOMUS,2012 (948):60-65.

2011, Susanne Fritz, 'Reinventing the good earth'- a revolutionary lecture by Kongjian Yu at the 48th IFLA Congress , architonic, Zürich, Switzerland, http://www.architonic.com/es/nttre/susanne-fritz

2010, Bill Marken, Groundbreaker: Kongjian Yu, Garden Designer, 75-80.

2010,John Haffner, Kongjian Yu: The Art of Survival, Policy Innovations, Publication of Carnegie Council, November 22, 2010 http://www.policyinnovations.org/ideas/innovations/data/0001802010

2008 Antje Stokman, Stefanie Ruff, 2008The Red Ribbon Tanghe River Park Reconciling Water Management, Landscape Design and Ecology, Topos: 63:29

2008, Mary G. Padua, a Fine Red Line——the Tanghe River Park, Landscape Architecture, 98(2008): 92-99

2008, Andrew Wilson, In Praise of Conceptual Gardens, Featuring Red Ribbon, BBC Gardens, 90-93.

2008, Jared Green, Interview With Kongjian Yu, Designer Of The Red Ribbon,Tang He River Park, 11/03, 2008, Dirt, ASLA.

2007, Graham Johnstone and Xiangfeng Kong, Making friends with floods: an ecological park reclaims a degraded stretch of a Chinese River, Landscape Architecture, 2007, Aprilpp106-115

2007, The Architectural Review, Field Studies——Shenyang Architectural University in China enjoys a productive landscape. The Architectural Review, December, pp.58-59.

2007, Mark Frisby, The art of survival, Landscape Architecture, Australia, 2007, August, page: 14

2007, Marilyn Clemens, A review on the art of survival, Landscape Architecture,2007, Aprilp .135

2007, Landscape Today, Converse with Dr. Kongjian Yu about landscape architecture in china, Landscape Today, 2007.pp.60-62.

2006*, Martha Cecilia FajardoForward, The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture (by Kongjian Yu and Mary Padua), the Images Publishing Group, Victoria, Australia.

2006*, Jared Green, The Dirt, "if we can save china, we can save the world", ASLA.org, October 7. http://www.asla.org/land/dirt/

2006, Padua, Mary G., Touching The Good Earth——An innovative campus design reconnects students to China's agricultural landscapes, Landscape Architecture, Vol 96 (12) :100-107

2006, Landscape Australia: Kongjian Yu address contemporary landscape architecture, Landscape Australia, No.109, Feb.2006: 46-48

2006*, Jakes, Susan. A force of nature. TIME: Asia, 2006, April 10

2006, Domus, Interview with Yu Kongjian, 78 Chinese architects and designers, China Architecture and Building Press, pp 382-387.

2006, Andy Miller, Claire Martin, Steph Kerr, Kongjian Yu discuss ecology, cultural identity and his promotion of the profession of landscape architecture. Landscape urbanism, 15:30-32.

2006, Jamie Tschida, Sustainability In the work and in the profession: ASLA 2006 Conference Coverage. Planetizen: Urban Planning and Development Network. http://www.planetizen.com/node/21562

2006, Alan Saunders,ABC Radio: Landscape architecture takes root in China ABC Radio National, 20 May, Saturday 9am, repeated Wednesday 3pm.

2006, Dave Connell, Kongjian Yu: Fighting the emperor’s playground, ASLA.org - LAND online. October 17, 2006, http://www.asla.org/land/2006/1017/yu.html

2005*, Antje Stokman and Stefanie Ruff, Prospective Internationality and identity——search for a contemporary design idiom in China. Topos, 51: Prospective Landscapes, 2005,p.66-75

2005, Paco Asensio, Ultimate Landscape Design,(2 of Kongjian YU/Turenscape projects were selected: Zhongshan Shipyard Park, and Shenyang Jianzhu University Campus), teNeues, pp.124-131,328-337.

2004, Gareth George, Urban frenzy, Beijing Today, December 17, 2004

2004, The Architectural Review, Delight, Ar + D Commended, Fish Mouth Inspired Landscaping, The Architectural Review, December: p.98.2003, Mary G. Padua, Industrial strength——Zhongshan Shipyard Park, Landscape Architecture, 93 (6):76-85,105-107.

2004, Allen Freeman. Above the cut,.Landscape architecture, 3:62-67.

2003, Carl Steinitz, Forward, Alternatives for the Future ( by Kongjian Yu, Davorin Gazvoda and Dihua Li), China Architecture & Building Press.

2003*, Mary G. Padua, Industrial strength——Zhongshan Shipyard Park, Landscape Architecture, 93 (6):76-85,105-107.

2003, Chinatown Surface Artery Site Designer Chosen, Boston Business Journal, 3/25/2003

2001, Annalee Saxenian, Forward, Planning and Design of High Tech Parks (by Kongjian Yu), China Architecture & Building Press.

Professional and Community Service

2019—Vice Director, Expert Committee for Human Habitat Environment, Chinese Ministry of Housing and Rural and Urban Development.

2017— Director, Committee of Landscape Architecture and China Beautiful, Chinese Society for Urban Studies

2016—Vice President, Chinese Society for Urban Studies

2016—Vice Director, The Sponge City Expert Committee of China

2016 Jury, World Architecture Festival

2015-2016, Steering Committee, the Aga Kahn Architecture Award

2011 Super Jury, 2011 World Architecture Festival

2010 Master Jury for the Aga Kahn Architecture Award.

2010 The Liquid Landscape China, 6th European Biennial Landscape Architecture, Barcelona

2008, ASLA Professional Award Jury, American Society of Landscape Architects

2006— Chief Editor, Urban Space Design, a Chinese professional magazine of landscape architecture and urban design, published by Liaoning Science and Technology Press

2006—, Chief Editor, Landscape Design, a Chinese professional magazine of landscape design, published by Dalian University Science and Technology Press

2003-04, World Heritage advisor to the 28th Session of The World Heritage Committee, UNESCO World Heritage Convention, Suzhou and Paris

2002-2017, Chair, National Conference on Landscape Architecture Education and Profession, Peking University

2000— Vice Director, Urban Ecology Committee, The Chinese Society of Ecology

1999-2009, Member, National Education Guiding Committee of Urban Planning, Ministry of Construction, China

2005-2017, Member, National Education Guiding Committee of Landscape Architecture, Ministry of Education, China

1997— Committee Expert for numerous national and provincial ministry committees, including:

Capital Planning Committee, Beijing, China

Expert Committee, Ministry of Construction, China

Expert Committee, Ministry of Land Resources, China

Qinghai Provincial Planning Committee, Qinghai Province, China

Shandong Provincial Planning Committee, Shandong Province, China

Hangzhou Planning Committee, Zhejiang Province, China

Suzhou City Planning Committee, Jiangsu Province, China